A (501c3) non-profit organization


Sharing Our Song ...

While pursuing careers in musical performance, opportunities to serve as music educators began to come our way.  The more we worked with young musicians, the more we recognized the need for teaching students (young and old) the value of accessing their emotions to enhance their musical expression.  We have witnessed students eager to dance, create, and sing at the top of their lungs. 

As we continued down the path of Music Education, we realized that helping young musicians connect to their emotions allowed them to create their own songs and communicate their unique stories to one another. This, in turn, helps them to value their individuality while being a part of a strong, supportive community.

Drawing from our collective experiences as performers and educators, we created RiMarcable Music for Arts and Education, a 501c3 non-profit organization. Through this program, we seek to enrich and educate young audiences through literacy and the music of jazz.